Boris Gabinskiy, MD
My name is Dr. Boris Gabinskiy. I am a Physician practicing in Williamsport, PA 17701.
I am currently accepting new patients. Can I answer any questions for you?
Boris Gabinskiy, MD
Dr. Boris Gabinskiy's passion for non invasive aesthetics medicine and cosmetic surgery is evident in his commitment to help his patients look and feel their best at any stage of life.
From your very first consultation, Dr. Gabinskiy listens to your concerns to understand your aesthetic goals, helping you achieve the best results possible. Using state-of-the art technology and treatments, Dr. Gabinskiy provides you with stellar results with minimal discomfort and downtime.
Dr. Gabinskiy is board-certified through the American Board of Family Medicine. He has carefully researched and trained in the latest and most advanced cosmetic treatments with top plastic surgeons and cosmetic dermatologists in the country. He was the first in Central Pennsylvania to offer the revolutionary new Smartlipo laser lipolysis procedures such as, laser liposculpture and autologous fat grafting, a procedure which takes fat from one part of the body and transfers it to another.
He continues to work and study to ensure his patients always receive the safest, most effective treatments available in the cosmetic medical industry, frequently attending local and national industry conferences and seminars, including, but not limited to, the International Soctiety of Cosmetogynecology, American Society of Cosmetic Physicians Conference, the American Academy of Costmetic Surgery, THE Aesthetic Show and meetings held by the Sciton Laser Company.
Dr. Gabinskiy has lived in Central Pennsylvania, in both Lock Haven and State College, since 1998. He received his medical degree in 1983 and completed his internship and residency program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has acquired hands-on training in advanced aesthetics medicine and skin rejuvenation from the American Association of Aesthetics Medicine and Surgery and stays active in continuing education to better serve the needs of his patients.In addition to his board certification, Dr. Gabinskiy is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, the International Society of Cosmetogynecology, the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetics Medicine, the American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
BNG Aesthetics Skin & Laser Center
24 W Fourth StWilliamsport, PA 17701
(570) 354-0420
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
By Appointment Only
Areas We Service:
Duboistown, PA, State College, PA, Avis, PA, Lock Haven, PA, Mackeyville, PA, Cogan Station, PA, Hughesville, PA, Jersey Shore, PA, Linden, PA, Montgomery, PA, Montoursville, PA, Muncy, PA, Picture Rocks, PA, Trout Run, PA, Watsontown, PA, Lewisburg, PA
Whiteheads, Blackheads and Pimples
Acne can damage your confidence and self-esteem. Most associate acne with teenagers and puberty, but a growing number of adults suffer from the condition as well. Acne can ultimately cause scars, so it should always be taken seriously.
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Acne Scar Treatment
Treatment of Acne and Acne Scars
When acne develops, pores in the skin become blocked with oil. Bacteria begin to grow in the pore, and acne (also called pimples, zits or breakouts) can develop. Acne can be mild or severe and may cause scarring if pimples are squeezed repetitively.
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Acne Treatment
Happy, Healthy Skin
Acne takes many forms: Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and cysts are troubling and difficult to deal with, especially when they occur in adults (adult acne). There is no one best acne treatment, but there are several options available to those suffering from this condition.
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Actinic Keratosis
Solar Keratosis Treatment
Actinic keratosis is a skin condition that most commonly appears as a rough, scaly patch on the skin. In most serious cases, actinic keratosis can lead to skin cancer. The condition can occur on almost any part of the body, but it is most common in areas that receive frequent sun exposure.
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Adrenal Fatigue Treatment
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) May Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Your insomnia, body aches, and decreased libido may all be linked to your adrenal glands, which may be struggling to produce cortisol, a crucial hormone that helps regulate your “fight-or-flight” response. When your body is under extreme stress your adrenal glands can begin producing cortisol in disruptive fits and starts. Hormone replacement therapy may balance those levels and improve your symptoms.
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Age Spots and Liver Spots
Fight Back Against the Signs of Facial Aging
Age spots, also called liver spots, are flat tan, brown or black spots of darker pigmentation (skin coloring) that appear on the skin of the face, neck, shoulders and arms. There are many cosmetic and aesthetic treatments designed to lighten or eliminate their appearance.
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Arm Lift
Brachioplasty for Sagging Skin & Excess Fat
The arm lift is a plastic surgery procedure that targets the upper arm. Much like a face lift or a thigh lift, this treatment option is designed to tighten skin and decrease laxity in a certain part of the body. Aging and weight gain take their toll on the upper arm, which can sag or droop.
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Autoimmune Disease
Arthritis, Sclerosis, Diabetes & Other Chronic Diseases
Every cell inside your body has a function. Sometimes, these cells are attacked when your immune system mistakes them for something foreign - something that shouldn't be there. This causes your body's defense system to try to eliminate those cells from the body, causing a variety of health problems. This is known as autoimmune disease.
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Bellafill Injections
Erase Smile Lines & Minimize Acne Scars
While aging of the skin and a decline in collagen is a normal part of life, there are ways to support the production of collagen in order to keep the skin looking healthy and youthful. Bellafill is a unique injectable blend that helps soften and smooth out the skin by supporting your skin's own ability to produce collagen.
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FDA-Approved for the Treatment of Wrinkles & Fine Lines
Loss of facial volume is, in most cases, unavoidable. That doesn't making sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines any less damaging to your confidence. That is why dermal fillers and wrinkle smoothers are so popular. Belotero is one of these injectable treatments. By using advanced science, Belotero may be able to help you provide a more youthful look to your face.
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Bioidentical Estrogen Replacement Therapy
Replaced Estrogen Lost Due to Aging & Menopause
Estrogen, commonly dubbed the "female hormone," regulates secondary sexual characteristics in the body. However, this hormone has a far bigger impact than that implies. For most women, having imbalanced estrogen leads to a number of difficult side effects and symptoms. A small number of men are affected by estrogen hormonal imbalance as well. Bioidentical estrogen refers to a hormonal treatment designed to combat problems with estrogen imbalance.
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Bioidentical Hormone Doctors
Find Bioidentical Hormone Doctors in Your Area Today
Patients must find a seasoned medical professional with years of experience in bioidentical hormones. Because of the versatility of the treatment, experts come from all reaches of the medical community. Many hold a degree in allopathic or osteopathic medicine. Many belong to associations related to BHRT or its applications.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Learn About Bioidentical Hormones (BHRT)
For women, menopause is a major concern while men deal with andropause and low testosterone. Many age-related issues are the result of hormonal imbalance. Your body has a complex collection of glands called the endocrine system. Each of these glands generates crucial hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Excessive or reduced levels of these hormones can wreak havoc on your system. Bio-identical hormone replacement, or BHRT, is the only safe, natural solution to hormonal imbalance.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Chronic Stress
Treat Stress with Hormones & Relaxation
We all deal with stress, from work to family and everything in between; stress is a part of the body's natural fight-or-flight response. When you're constantly feeling stressed, however, you have a condition known as chronic stress. There are many factors that contribute to chronic stress, and a similarly high number of treatment options.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Insomnia
Achieve Better Sleep with BHRT
Everyone has trouble falling asleep sometimes, but when the condition happens repeatedly it can begin to affect multiple aspects of your life. Insomnia can impact your ability to function at school, in the workplace, and even at home.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men
Andropause, Low Testosterone and More
Hormones play a crucial role in the functioning of your body. Their levels and balance, also known as male hormone harmony, are extremely important for your health, physical shape, and well-being. As a man ages, his body becomes less effective in producing these vital hormones. Hormone levels fall to unhealthy levels, creating a hormone imbalance in his body.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Muscle Loss
Bioidentical Hormone Solutions for Your Muscle Loss
It's estimated that between ages 30 and 70 a man will lose nearly a quarter of their skeletal muscle mass, turning even the hunkiest guy into a lanky fella. Hours spent in the gym are not in vain, however, muscle loss is preventable with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Weight Loss
Bioidentical Hormones & Your Body Weight
For many years, physicians and researchers struggled to connect the dots between hormones and their role in weight loss. Women have long known that food cravings and sluggish metabolisms were very real problems making it hard to lose weight, but convincing the medical world of their link to weight was difficult. Recent studies have linked hormones and weight gain, indicating that hormonal treatment for weight loss is a viable option.
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women
Menopause, Hormones and Aging
Hormones play a crucial role in the functioning of your body. Their levels and balance, also known as female hormone harmony, are extremely important to your health, mood, and well-being. As a woman ages, her body becomes less effective in producing these vital hormones. Hormones fall to unhealthy levels creating a hormone imbalance in your body. Female hormones must stay in perfect hormonal balance for your body to function optimally.
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Bioidentical Hormones
Achieve Hormone Balance Naturally
Bioidentical hormones are chemically and biologically identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body. These plant-derived hormones are used as a part of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, a treatment designed to restore the natural hormone levels in men and women. Bioidentical hormones are most commonly associated with the treatment of menopause and low testosterone, but they have many other uses as well. Bioidentical hormones can be used to treat both men and women.
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Bioidentical Pregnenolone Replacement Therapy
Improve Mood, Cognitive Function & Your Sex Drive
Pregnenolone is a precursor hormone. A precursor hormone leads to the production of other key hormones in the body. Like all hormones, pregnenolone can become imbalanced. This type of hormonal imbalance has many major symptoms and leads to many different health conditions. Hormonal imbalance can be treated through the use of bioidentical pregnenolone, a form of bio-identical hormone replacement.
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Bioidentical Progesterone Replacement Therapy
Optimize Your Progesterone Levels Naturally
Women face a number of unique health challenges. Many of these stem from the processes of menstruation and pregnancy. These functions of the female body are regulated in part by the hormone progesterone. When the body produces too much progesterone, it can lead to a decrease in estrogen levels. Producing too little progesterone causes problems, as well. Bioidentical progesterone replacement is a treatment created to help women overcome these issues and enjoy a better quality of life.
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Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Low-T Treatment
Low testosterone has become a phrase that all men fear. The gradual loss of testosterone, sometimes called low T, occurs naturally with age. Unfortunately, it also brings along many symptoms and side effects like low sex drive, erective dysfunction and weight gain. Bioidentical testosterone has helped many men regain their youthful vigor.
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Body Contouring
i-Lipo & the Shape You Want
Liposuction is often called fat removal. That's precisely the problem with the conventional form of that treatment; it sucks away fat and leaves you damaged. As we understand more about the long-term effects and damage of traditional liposuction, more people are turning to body contouring techniques. These treatments are non-invasive, non-surgical methods that give you the body shape you want.
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Body Waxing
Remove Unwanted Hair
Body waxing is a procedure that uses hot wax to remove unwanted hair from virtually any area of the body. There are home waxing products available, but professional waxing is far safer and far more hygienic. Waxing is a natural and efficient way to remove hair.
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BOTOX Cosmetic
Beat Wrinkles and Lines
Your flexing facial muscles may reveal too many years of emotion in the form of wrinkles, creases, and folds. Botox may help minimize these signs of aging and allow you to look as young as you feel.
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Brazilian Butt Lift
Fat Transfer to Provide a Full, Firm Buttocks
With today's advanced cosmetic procedures, it's possible for nearly any woman to have the round, firm butt that she desires. The procedure known as the Brazilian butt lift is an effective way to enhance your body shape.
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Breast Augmentation
Saline Breast Implants & Silicone Breast Implants
Breast augmentation has been one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for decades. Also known as breast implants, breast augmentation allows women to increase the size and change the shape of their breasts. Breast augmentations can be done for cosmetic reasons or to replace breasts after a mastectomy.
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Breast Lift
Enhance the Appearance of Sagging Breasts
Many women find themselves concerned with sagging breasts. Because of this, the breast lift, also known as the mastopexy, is a common cosmetic surgery procedure. Undergoing a breast lift can give you confidence in your appearance and increase your self-esteem.
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Breast Reconstruction
Restoring Your Natural Look
Before a mastectomy is performed, your doctor will take the time to discuss whether you would like to consider a breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction is an option for most mastectomies, although in the case of a lumpectomy, it most likely won't be necessary because most of the breast tissue will be preserved.
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Brow Lift Surgery
Forehead Lift Surgery for a More Youthful Look
As we age, gravity and repeated facial contractions begin to take their toll on the skin. This is particularly evident in the forehead, which can become heavily wrinkled and saggy around the area just above the eyebrows. Brow lift surgery, sometimes known as a forehead lift, can improve the appearance of this part of the face.
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Cauterization Styles - Electrocauterization
Closing Wounds with Electrocautery
Cauterization is a technique which prevents blood loss and exsanguination and closes wounds via the high-precision burning of bodily tissue. Electrocauterization, then, is cauterization in which electrical energy generates the required heat. Electrocautery risks include an increased risk of necrosis, and the risk of interfering with devices such as pacemakers.
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Cellulite Reduction
Laser Body Sculpting
Cellulite can damage your look and harm your confidence level. You should be able to show off your skin without fear of unsightly fat peeking out. Many cellulite home remedies and cellulite creams claim to eliminate the problem, but the only real solution is laser body sculpting. The best form of laser cellulite reduction comes with the targeted fat reduction of Chromogenex i-Lipo.
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Chelation Therapy
A Heavy Metal Detox that Supports Heart & Brain Health
Chelation therapy is a detoxification procedure for individuals exposed to high levels of heavy metals such as mercury or lead. The procedure consists of an injection of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or EDTA, which forms a chemical bond with the toxic metal and causes elimination of both through the kidneys into the urine.
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Chemical Peels
Deep, Medium and Light Peels
The harsh effects of aging can damage your confidence. With a chemical peel, you can reinvigorate your look with healthy, youthful skin.
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Collagen Induction Therapy
Could Collagen Induction Therapy Replace Plastic Surgery?
Collagen Induction Therapy may be the newest wave in face/body scar, wrinkle and fine line removal, but it can actually trace its roots back to the 1950's. As one of the only skin treatments available that leave your epidermis intact, you get a collagen regenerative procedure without damaging healthy skin.
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Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery
Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction
Cosmetic vaginal surgery is a combination of procedures used to improve the appearance and function of the vagina. Cosmetic vaginal surgery is usually chosen by women who are experiencing vaginal looseness after childbirth, or with age-related changes including menopause. A woman may also choose cosmetic vaginal surgery to tighten the vagina for better sexual sensation for herself and her partner.
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Cystic Acne
A Severe Form of Inflammatory Acne Deeply Embedded Under Your Skin
Cystic acne is a severe but rare form of acne that is often hereditary and triggered by hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Prescription medications can treat cystic acne eruptions, but changes in diet and certain supplements may be equally effective. Preventing the spread of cystic acne and minimizing scarring is also possible with the right treatment.
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Dermal Fillers
Your Options for Younger Skin
As time takes its toll on our features, some fear that the only defense we have against their indelible mark involves a surgeon's knife. With the winds of the modern age bringing along a plethora of modern, non-invasive wrinkle-reducing options such as dermal fillers, that myth has been officially blown away. Most dermal fillers in use today provide an FDA-approved solution to smoothing out unwanted age lines and adding volume to your features.
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Dermatology Clinic
Treatment of the Skin, Hair and Nails
Dermatology is the branch of medicine that addresses issues relating to the skin, hair and nails. A dermatologist is a medical doctor whose specialization is treating patients who suffer from these diseases, and may be consulted for both severe skin conditions threatening to one's health and cosmetic disorders of the skin (including hair loss, scars and skin changes associated with aging).
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Dry Skin
Restore Hydration & Moisture to Your Skin
Dry skin is characterized by skin that is dehydrated and irritated. In more severe dry skin cases, the skin may also be red and inflamed and have deep cracks that extend into deeper layers of the skin. Fortunately, many natural treatments, over-the-counter products, and lifestyle modifications are available to help heal your dry skin.
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Rejuvenate Your Look
Think of all the times you laugh, smile, squint, frown or generally change your face throughout a day. Over a lifetime, all that movement adds up, creating wrinkles, lines and other facial skin problems along the way. In the past, if you developed moderate to severe frown lines, you were stuck with them. Today, that's no longer the case. Dysport, a cutting-edge injectable solution, provides proven and effective skin rejuvenation.
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Eclipse MicroPen
The Eclipse MicroPen treatment is a quick and safe rejuvenation system.
The Eclipse MicroPen is a form of micro-needling therapy that creates smoother skin while reducing wrinkles, scarring and signs of photo aging. This electric handpiece uses 12 small needles and vibration to create micro-injuries that trigger the skin's natural healing process. Micro-needling is a safe and fast skin rejuvenation procedure.
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Eclipse MicroPen Elite
The Eclipse MicroPen Elite treatment is a quick and safe rejuvenation system.
The Eclipse MicroPen Elite is a form of micro-needling therapy that creates smoother skin while reducing wrinkles, scarring and signs of photo aging. This electric device uses 12 small needles and vibration to create micro-injuries that trigger the skin's natural healing process. Micro-needling is a safe and fast skin rejuvenation procedure.
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Causes, Symptoms, Triggers and Treatment of Eczema
Eczema is the common name for the dermatology condition known as atopic dermatitis. This condition is defined by the appearance of red, itchy skin. Eczema can occur in people of any age. Many suffering from eczema deal with decreased confidence, increased frustration and even difficulty sleeping. While there is no cure for eczema, symptoms can be improved and mitigated with treatment.
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Endovenous Laser (EVLT) Varicose Vein Treatment
Eliminate Your Varicose Veins Without Pain & Surgery
Varicose veins can cause extreme confidence issues and limit your ability to wear certain clothes. These unsightly veins are actually enlarged, which lends to pain, discoloration and aches. Varicose veins are also more likely to suffer from circulation problems and other vein-related disorders. Because of these serious issues, there are many options available for varicose vein treatment. Endovenous laser (EVLT) treatment for varicose veins is a technologically advanced way to reduce and eliminate varicose veins.
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Estrogen Dominance
Women's Health & Hormones
As doctors learn more about hormones, it becomes clear that hormonal imbalance is caused by more than an overabundance or deficiency of any one hormone. Rather, your body's endocrine system is a delicate balance of multiple hormones. This is the case with estrogen dominance syndrome, a condition that's caused by overproduction of estrogen coupled with underproduction of progesterone.
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Estrogen Level Testing
A Blood Test Can Reveal if You Have Unhealthy Estrogen Levels
Estrogen plays an important role in a woman’s puberty, menstrual cycle, fertility, and menopause. An estrogen level test can detect too high or too low levels of estrogen which can affect bone and reproductive health.
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Rejuvenate Your Look with a Targeted Facelift Procedure
The facelift, also known as the rhytidectomy, is one of the most well-known and often provided cosmetic surgery procedures. The facelift is designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and provide an overall more youthful appearance.
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Facial Aging
Wrinkles, Lines, Sun Damage & Facial Aging Treatment
Aging is an unavoidable part of life. We all grow older and expect to see some signs of aging in our appearances. But have you noticed that some people seem to age much more dramatically than others? That's because facial aging affects every person differently. Facial aging can make you look older than you appear and damage your confidence.
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Facial Fat Transfer
A facial fat transfer is used for improving the appearance of facial creases.
A facial fat transfer - also called autologous fat transfer - is a procedure in which an individual's own body fat is used to plump up sunken or emaciated areas of the face. This procedure is used for improving the appearance of facial creases such as laugh lines, smile lines and crow's feet.
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Facial Vein Treatment
Removal of Your Unsightly Facial Veins
Spider veins and varicose veins can affect different parts of the body, commonly appearing in the legs and feet. Facial veins occur in some people and, similar to veins in other parts of the body, are usually unthreatening. Luckily, cosmetic treatment can eliminate visible facial veins to even your complexion and restore your confidence.
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Relax and Reinvigorate with a Spa Treatment
The facial is one of the most popular spa treatments in the world. By combining a number of different treatments, a standard facial provides an experience that is both relaxing and rejuvenating.
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Fat Transfer
Fat Injections and Fat Grafting for Fuller Skin
Fat transfer, also called fat injection or fat grafting is a powerful way to restore the fullness and youthful appearance of various areas of the body. This is done by relocating fat from another area of the body.
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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
Enlarge Your Breasts with a Minimally-Invasive Fat Transfer
For women who seek to enhance the appearance of their breasts, a fat transfer can improve the size and shape of the breasts without the need for implants or invasive surgery. This is an ideal breast augmentation for women who are seeking a moderate increase in breast size and natural-looking results.
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Fat Transfer Hand Rejuvenation
Harvest Your Body's Fat to Restore Your Hands' Youthful Appearance
The hands, which are comprised of skin that is much thinner than the skin of your face, especially the backs of the hands, are susceptible to aging, oftentimes becoming the first signs of an aging person. A fat transfer has the potential to turn back the aging clock and restore your hands' youthful appearance.
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Glutathione Injections
Boost Your Antioxidant Levels
Glutathione is an amino acid that's made by the liver. Glutathione is considered a "master antioxidant" and plays a role in many functions, including boosting and balancing the immune system, supporting the removal and detoxification of chemicals and pollutants from the body, regenerating mitochondria inside cells for energy, working to keep cells young and produce an anti-aging effect.
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Growth Factors for Skin Rejuvenation
Repair Aged Skin to Its Natural Firmness & Elasticity
As we age, the natural firmness and elasticity of our youthful skin wanes as environmental factors take their toll. Growth factors, which are naturally produced by skin cells to achieve healthy skin, can support the repair of damaged skin to restore firmness and elasticity, and maintain the skin's protective functions.
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Treating Male Breasts with Cosmetic Surgery
Male breasts, or gynecomastia, are a condition that's both embarrassing and dangerous. Breast growths can occur in men of any age and sometimes signify a serious illness. Thankfully, gynecomastia is treatable with cosmetic surgery.
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BHRT and Male Breasts
Male breasts, or gynecomastia, are a condition that's both embarrassing and dangerous. Breast growths can occur in men of any age and sometimes signify a serious illness. Thankfully, gynecomastia is treatable with cosmetic surgery.
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Hashimoto's Disease
Your Thyroid and BHRT
Hashimoto's disease, also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, is a chronic autoimmune disease. Hashimoto's disease causes the body's immune system to function incorrectly, resulting in damage to thyroid cells and the inability to manufacture thyroid hormones.
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hCG Weight Loss Programs
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and the hCG Diet
hCG for weight loss is a type of medical weight loss program. Designed using rigorous methods and a natural hormone, this method is quickly attaining popularity among those looking to lose weight.
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Unlocking the Path to Less Pain
Headaches have been experienced by almost everyone at some point in their lives. For example, up to 90% of adults have reported experiencing tension headaches, and 28 million people in the United States alone have had a migraine. There are currently 150 different categories of headaches that vary in intensity, cause, and cure.
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Heavy Metal Testing
Understand and Treat Mercury & Lead Poisoning
The body needs certain metals in small quantities to perform essential functions. Iron, for example, makes up a large part of the hemoglobin in your blood which carries oxygen to all of your cells. Copper helps in the production of collagen, and zinc promotes healthy skin.
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High Dose Vitamin C Injection Therapy
IV Therapy Utilizing Vitamin C Infusions
Intravenous therapy, more commonly referred to as IV therapy, is a medical treatment designed to infuse various fluids, vitamins, nutrients or other healthy substances directly in to the bloodstream through an IV drip. High-dose Vitamin C infusions are a common variety of IV therapy.
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Hormonal Imbalance
Take Back Your Life and Control Hormonal Imbalance Today
During perimenopause, the change in hormones can make every-day issues feel like insurmountable, Everest-like mountains of stress, complete with a volcanic center ready to erupt in full-blown PMS-ness. A hormonal imbalance can leave you feeling exhausted and beyond frustrated; but there are options.
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Hormone Balancing
Hormone Level Optimization
Hormonal imbalance is quickly becoming recognized as a serious medical condition. The problems that many men and women previously attributed to aging are now known to stem from imbalanced or depleted hormones. Hormone balancing is a treatment created to rectify this problem by restoring and rejuvenating the body's natural hormones. The most popular type of hormone-balancing treatment is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.
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Hormone Level Testing
Saliva, Blood and Urine Tests
Many people find themselves concerned with their hormone levels. Imbalanced hormones, such as estrogen, testosterone and DHEA can cause serious health problems. Hormone level testing gives doctors a way to analyze your current hormone levels to see if you are deficient or overloaded with any particular hormone.
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Hormone Replacement for Erectile Dysfunction
A Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Arises - BHRT
Erectile dysfunction is a condition suffered by many men. It is characterized by difficulty or the inability to produce and maintain an erection during sex. This telltale symptom is often accompanied by a decrease in libido. Erectile dysfunction is, in many cases, caused by an imbalance of androgen hormones.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Andropause
The 'Male Menopause' and HRT
Sometimes referred to as male menopause, andropause is a dramatic reduction in testosterone production that may occur in middle-aged men. Men can start losing their testosterone as early as the age of 35. This gradual reduction means that the resulting symptoms of andropause can slowly build with time.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Chronic Fatigue
Feel Energetic Again with BHRT
If you've been experiencing severe exhaustion that's lasted longer than six months, you may be suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). If left unchecked, CFS could not only leave you at a loss for energy, it could begin to diminish your quality of life.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Depression
Struggling with Hormonal Imbalance
Occasionally feeling upset is a natural part of life, but most of the time we're able to snap out of it on our own or with the help of someone who's close to us. When the feeling of unhappiness becomes severe, (lasting for days, weeks, or even months), it can affect everything that's important to you, including your health.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Endometriosis
Stop the Progression of Endometriosis Today with BHRT!
Endometriosis is a painful condition which affects many women. It is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue (which lines the inside of the uterus) on the outside of the uterus. This tissue can become trapped within a woman's body during menstruation and cause irritation, scarring, and cysts.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction
Low-T and Your Love Life
There are a number of factors in a man's body that play a role in forming an erection. It is a combination of physical properties such as the nerves, muscles, and blood vessels as well as mental and chemical attributes involving the brain, hormones, and emotions.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Hormone-Induced Pain Treatment
Fibromyalgia can be defined as pain felt throughout the entire body. The effects are long lasting and are specifically experienced in the muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. The pain may also feel like it is in your joints, although fibromyalgia does not physically affect these areas.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Headaches
Treat Hormone-Induced Headaches & Migraines
Headaches have been experienced by almost everyone at some point in their lives. For example, up to 90% of adults have reported experiencing tension headaches, and 28 million people in the United States alone have had a migraine. There are currently 150 different categories of headaches that vary in intensity, cause, and cure.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hormonal Imbalance
Balancing Hormone Levels for Optimal Wellness
Many people unknowingly suffer from hormone imbalance. Imbalanced hormones can cause a host of medical problems and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Hormone imbalance is a general term that can refer to upset levels of any variety of your body's natural regulatory substances.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hot Flashes
Don't be Blindsided by Hot Flashes, Try BHRT Today!
Hot flashes are a common symptom of menopause in women. Although their cause is unknown, it is widely agreed upon that they are linked to the hormonal changes which characterize this period. Hot flashes are typically defined by a sudden feeling of immense warmth throughout the upper body.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hot Flashes in Men
Male Hot Flashes Are Common and Treatable. Learn More Today!
While hot flashes are a characteristic symptom of menopause in women, many men experience hot flashes as well. A feeling of sudden warmth radiating throughout parts of the upper body is a defining feature of hot flashes. This is often accompanied by an increase in heart rate and sweating.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hyperthyroidism
Hormones & Your Thyroid Gland
When your body produces too much thyroxine (an overactive thyroid), hyperthyroidism results leading to many trouble symptoms like fatigue, anxiety and sudden weight loss. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help to balance your hormones and bring you relief!
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hypothyroidism
Harness the Power of Hormones to Combat an Underactive Thyroid
An underactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism, occurs when you thyroid gland fails to produce enough T3 and T4. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is an effective solution to help raise these levels and to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with the condition.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Joint Pain
Find Long-Term Relief for Joint Pain Today With BHRT
Joint pain can cause an often-debilitating amount of pain. Joint pain may come in the form of arthritis or from severe wear and tear over time. While many suffering from joint pain seek relief from over-the-counter painkillers, it's often possible to eliminate chronic joint pain in the long term.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Low Libido
Natural Treatment to Enhance Sexual Health
Low libido in both men and women creates strained relationships, increased stress levels, fatigue and poor self-esteem. Often caused by a hormonal imbalance, low libido is successfully combatted through the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, a natural treatment that focuses on optimizing your hormone levels.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Memory Loss
Natural Treatments to Bolster Your Memory
Occasionally forgetting things is just a normal fact of life. It's even somewhat expected that we'll lose portions of our memory as we age. Aside from these natural phenomena, a significant loss of memory could be a serious condition that should not be ignored.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men
Andropause, Low Testosterone and More
As a man ages, his body becomes less effective in producing these vital hormones. Hormone levels fall to unhealthy levels, creating a hormone imbalance in your body. A well-publicized low testosterone condition called hypogonadism, also known as low T, is not the only type of hormone deficiency. Other hormones, such as human growth hormone (low hGH), thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), estradiol, cortisol, progesterone, DHEA, and more, need to stay in perfect hormonal balance for your body to function optimally.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause
Symptoms and Causes of Menopause
Menopause refers to the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. Typically starting in the 40s or 50s, women lose the ability to produce eggs, which causes estrogen levels to drop and monthly menstruation to cease. Menopause is a natural part of women's health, but there are many menopause treatments that mitigate or reduce problems associated with the condition.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Osteoporosis
Strengthen Bone Health with BHRT
Menopause can cause a drop in estrogen levels in women which can be detrimental to bone health. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can replace the deficient estrogen in your body to help maintain bone mass and prevent the onset of osteoporosis symptoms.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for PCOS
A Hormonal Imbalance that Could Cause Serious Health Problems
In addition to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, the ovaries produce small amounts of male hormones. In some instances, the ovaries produce larger quantities of these chemicals, leading to a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
BHRT for Women's Health
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe extension of the symptoms that occur during premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Between 2% and 10% of menstruating women experience PMDD. The physical symptoms of PMDD, such as breast tenderness, fatigue, and bloating, are similar to PMS, but the emotional conditions can be debilitating. They can interfere with a woman's life at work, school, or home, keeping her from the doing the things she loves, or even from interacting with friends and family.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Enjoy a Happier Life through BHRT
A woman's regular menstrual cycle can bring about more than 150 symptoms, both physical and emotional. They generally show up during the time between her ovulation and menstrual bleeding in what's called the luteal phase. The luteal phase usually begins about 14 days from the first day of her last menstrual period. Premenstrual symptoms can arise at any point during this phase and continue through the second or third day of the menstrual period.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Sex Drive
Boost Your Sex Drive with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
A decrease in sex drive is a condition that is unique in the fact that there is no definitive way to monitor it. Doctors have no gauge for what a "normal" sex drive should be, so it is defined differently with each and every patient. If you've noticed a decrease in your libido, it could be due to a number of factors.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Thyroid Disorders
Restoring Balance to Your Thyroid Hormones
Your thyroid gland is critical to the overall health of your body. In certain instances, your thyroid gland can dysfunction, causing your thyroid to produce too much (hyperthyroidism) or not enough (hypothyroidism) thyroid hormone. To restore your overall wellness, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can naturally help normalize your hormone levels.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Urinary Incontinence
Return to Normal Life
Loss of bladder control, or urinary incontinence, is a problem that many experience as they age. Having the inability to control when you urinate or dealing with urinary leakage can cause embarrassment and make enjoying your life difficult.
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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Vaginal Dryness
Fight Back Against the Irritation and Discomfort of Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness is a condition most women suffer from at some point in life. Insufficient vaginal lubrication, at its core, is caused by a fluctuation of certain hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. Hormonal imbalance is a common problem amongst women during menopause. Treatments exist to correct this and relieve symptoms.
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Hormone Therapy Memory Loss Treatment
HRT and BHRT for Memory Loss
Memory loss is a common problem countless men and women are forced to face. Short lapses or spots in memory are frequent in menopausal women. This is because the hormones that fluctuate the most during the process of menopause are involved in the body's ability to process and store memories.
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Hormone-Assisted Weight Loss
Bring Balance Back to Your Weight Loss Efforts
Weight gain is a problem that plagues millions of Americans. It often seems like there's a new fad diet or miracle pill each week. With all the buzz and the hype circling the newest weight loss trends, finding a solution you can trust can feel nearly impossible.
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Hormones and Weight Gain
Bio-Identical Hormones & Your Body Weight
For many years, physicians and researchers struggled to connect the dots between hormones and their role in weight loss. Women have long known that food cravings and sluggish metabolisms were very real problems that made it hard to lose weight, but convincing the medical world of their link to weight was difficult. Recent studies have linked hormones and weight gain, indicating that hormonal treatment for weight loss is a viable option.
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Hot Flashes (Hot Flushes)
Hot Flashes Treatment
Hot flashes sometimes referred to as hot flushes, are an uncomfortable, irritating condition to deal with. They can interfere with your life and make ordinary situations frustrating. Hot flashes in women are usually quick and often debilitating.
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Hot Flashes in Men
Night Sweats, Flushes & Andropause
Many think of hot flashes as a problem that only affects women. This isn't true. Although they occur more frequently in women, hot flashes in men are real and prevalent. Frequent hot flashes can change your life.
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Progesterone Replacement: Control Menopause Side-effects
Progesterone is an important hormone of the female reproductive system. Not only does progesterone help regulate the menstrual cycle but it also helps in the early stages of embryonic and fetal development. It wouldn't be too big of a stretch to say that without progesterone there wouldn't be life.
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Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care
From Injections to Supplements, Hyaluronic Acid May Help Restore Aging Skin
Unlike harsher methods which damage surface skin layers to trigger collagen production, hyaluronic acid can help gently restore and increase hydration (and possibly collagen production) in damaged, aging skin. Used in topical creams and serums, injectables and oral supplements, hyaluronic acid has the potential to eliminate wrinkles, improve elasticity and restore skin health.
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Control the Embarrassing, Uncomfortable Sweating of Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis (diaphoresis) is a condition where those affected sweat excessively, even at rest. Typically affecting the hands, feet, underarms and face, those who live with this condition report it as a major inconvenience and a source of profound embarrassment.
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Treatment of Darkened Skin
Hyperpigmentation is the term given to a series of medical conditions that darken the skin. This skin darkening typically occurs in small patches and is possible in nearly any part of the body. Like many skin conditions, hyperpigmentation can be hereditary or a symptom of a much more serious medical problem.
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Increase Collagen Production
Improve Skin Elasticity & Firmness with Collagen Production
Collagen is necessary for growth of skin and hair cells and is considered by many to be an anti-aging panacea. It is also crucial for joint function and repair. Because collagen production slows as you age, methods to stimulate collagen growth--from supplements and nutrition to various alternative treatments--can help to maintain healthy, youthful function and appearance.
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Intense Pulsed Light for Acne
Open Pores & Rid Them of Bacteria
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is an acne treatment that's designed to open the skin's pores and rid them of dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. IPL technology consists of high-powered bursts of filtered light that are designed to improve the skin's appearance.
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Intense Pulsed Light Therapy
A Healthier, Younger You with IPL
Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy generates multiple wavelengths of light to the outer skin (the epidermis). During treatment, the energy is concentrated at different wavelengths, and the various wavelengths can treat different skin problems. For example, wavelengths of light can generate heat and stimulate cells to form more collagen, plumping the skin.
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IPL Hair Removal
IPL for Pesky, Unwanted Hair
Hair removal can boost your confidence and provide the sleek look you've always wanted. Intense pulsed light, or IPL, provides a safe way to permanently reduce pesky body hair.
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IPL Rosacea Treatment
Eliminate Rosacea Redness and Inflammation
Intense pulsed light (IPL) laser treatment is an effective treatment for rosacea, a skin condition with no established cause or cure. While rosacea symptoms have traditionally been addressed with either oral medications or topical creams, IPL treatment uses multi-spectrum light to remove skin pigmentation, redness and inflamed blood vessels.
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IPL Skin Rejuvenation
Multi-Spectrum Light Can Rejuvenate Aging or Damaged Skin
Intense pulsed light (IPL) facial rejuvenation utilizes a multi-spectrum light to target the outer layer of damaged skin to trigger collagen-release, natural repair mechanisms and the growth of new skin. It is an effective aging skin treatment for wrinkles, age spots, sun damage as well as many troubling skin conditions like rosacea and acne.
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IPL Vein Removal
Show Off Your Skin Again with IPL
Varicose and spider veins are an unsightly, difficult health issue. But it's not hopeless: intense pulsed light, or IPL, therapy provides a safe, non-invasive solution.
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IV Nutritional Therapy
IV Nutritional Therapies Deliver Vitamins and Minerals into Your Bloodstream.
Intravenous (IV) nutritional infusion therapy delivers high concentrations of vitamins and nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Most commonly vitamin B, vitamin C, and magnesium are delivered intravenously to treat conditions like dehydration, pain, and allergies.
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Juvederm Volbella XC Injections
Your lips can look younger in less than an hour!
Juvederm Volbella XC is an FDA-approved treatment that uses an injectable gel to augment your lips and smooth the lines around your mouth. By reducing these signs of aging, the treatment can make you look younger and healthier. There is no down-time, and the benefits can last for a year.
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Juvederm Vollure XC Injections
With Vollure, you can say goodbye to unsightly laugh lines!
Juvederm Vollure XC is an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid gel that smooths the folds that appear from the nose to the mouth as you age. By reducing these wrinkles, Vollure can make you look more cheerful and vibrant, and the benefits can last for up to eighteen months!
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Juvederm Voluma XC
FDA-Approved to Treat Volume Loss in the Cheeks
Injectable treatments are one of the most popular aesthetic options available today. Until recently, there have been no FDA-approved injectable treatments to treat the loss of facial volume. The new treatment Juvederm Voluma XC has been approved for that and more.
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Juvederm XC
Smooth Away Wrinkles & Lines
Vertical lines, smile lines, marionette lines, and parentheses. Wrinkles have many names but the same end result: aged, less desirable skin. But it isn't hopeless: dermal fillers provide relief in the form of smoother, more youthful skin. Juvederm XC is the best procedure available for smoothing lines and wrinkles on the face.
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Keratosis Pilaris
Diminish the Appearance of Your Chicken Skin
Keratosis pilaris is a common, benign skin condition characterized by small, flesh-colored bumps around the hair follicle which often appear on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks. Treatment focuses on diminishing the appearance of the keratosis pilaris bumps and ranges from simple over-the-counter moisturizers to laser therapy.
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Laser Body Sculpting
A Slimmer, Trimmer You
Laser body sculpting, a scientifically-advanced fat reduction technique, can eliminate problem fat painlessly. While many forms of laser body contouring are available, Chromogenex i-Lipo is the best, safest option on the market.
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Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted Hair Removal with Laser Technology
There are many reasons why people opt for hair removal treatments. Unwanted hair can be unsightly in both men and women, damaging self-esteem and confidence. Others merely prefer a no-hair look. Laser hair removal is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures available.
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Laser Skin Resurfacing
Eliminating Wrinkles and Lines
Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that uses a laser to treat the appearance of your skin. Beams of light are directed toward targeted skin, and the skin is removed layer by layer.
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Laser Vein Removal - Small Veins
Learn About Using Laser Removal for Small or Spider Veins
Small veins may develop anywhere on the body and often make people feel self-conscious. Small veins can be distracting and unsightly, which is why removing them is becoming a popular response. Spider veins are often caused by an increase of pressure which makes them swell and become highly visible.
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Have Longer, Thicker & Darker Lashes Easily
Many women want eyelashes that are longer, fuller and darker. Until recently, the only solution to this problem was costly, inconvenient and sometimes dangerous eyelash extensions. Latisse is an FDA-approved prescription product designed to deliver more visible, longer lashes.
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Leaky Gut Syndrome
Intestinal and Bowel Permeability
Leaky gut syndrome is the common name for intestinal and bowel permeability. This condition can cause a number of frustrating symptoms that make your life difficult. Leaky gut is relatively unique in that it can both cause and result from other conditions. Any condition that inflames or damages the intestines, such as Crohn's disease, carries a risk of causing leaky gut syndrome.
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Tumescent Lipo for Love Handles & More
Liposuction is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures across the world. It provides a way for patients to reduce areas of problem fat such as love handles and saddlebags. Liposuction is a safe, effective procedure that has been perfected for decades.
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Lose Excess Fat
Fat Reduction Treatment for Love Handles & More
Excess fat is the broad term applied to various problem areas where undesirable or unwanted fat is present. Some of the common terms given to excess fat include love handles, saddlebags, paunches and more. In many cases, excess fat can be treated.
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Love Handles
Love Handle Causes & Treatment for Excess Fat
Certain parts of the body accumulate more fat than others. One of the most prominent areas of excess fat is the abdominal region, which has given life to the term abdominal obesity. There are many different names for types of abdominal obesity. One of the most common is love handles.
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Low Libido
Boost Your Sex Drive
A decrease in sex drive is a condition that is unique in the fact that there is no definitive way to monitor it. Doctors have no gauge for what a "normal" sex drive should be, so it is defined differently with each and every patient. If you've noticed a decrease in your libido, it could be due to a number of factors.
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Low Testosterone
Fix Your Low-T Problem
Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for developing the testes during puberty. It contributes to male attributes such as facial hair and a deepened voice, while affecting a man's libido and even his mood.
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Lower Face Lift
Tighten Your Lower Face Skin
Lower face lifts are usually for men and women who have sagging or wrinkling skin. Some providers say it's best for patients between the ages of 35 and 50, but any patient who has a problem with the skin of their jawline and neck could be a candidate.
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A Skin Problem Causing Dark Skin Patches on the Face
Melasma is a common skin condition which affects various parts of the face, including the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Characterized by dark, discolored patches which range in color from brown to gray, melasma can cause great cosmetic concern for women. If you suffer from melasma, there are treatments available to help fade the discoloration.
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Micro Needling
Revitalize Your Skin
People are always looking for a way to improve the texture, volume and overall appearance of their skin. One treatment designed to meet those needs is micro needling. Micro needling uses the skin's natural rejuvenation ability to provide youthful and more luscious skin. While home micro needling kits are available, they are considered generally unsafe. Instead, it's important to receive micro needling from a professional.
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Micro-liposuction is a minimally invasive fat-removal procedure.
Micro-liposuction is a procedure that is used to remove fat from problem areas to reshape areas of the face, such as the chin, face and neck. The physician uses tiny incisions and small instruments to give him or her more control. This makes micro-liposuction much more precise and less invasive.
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Microcurrent Therapy - Uses & Benefits
Pain Relief With Microcurrent Therapy
Microcurrent therapy is a treatment for a number of pain syndromes based on the process of facilitating the body's physiological currents. Every cell in the human body is influenced by electrical impulses in some way. The objective of microcurrent therapy is to use low-voltage currents to manipulate the body's electrical impulses in order to stimulate healing processes.
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The "Lunchtime Facelift"
Commonly referred to as the "lunchtime facelift," Microdermabrasion has become the pain-free, fast and cost-effective solution to restoring the youthful appearance of skin. This unique skin procedure is used to improve uneven skin color and reduce fine lines that form with age and exposure to the sun.
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Laser Skin Treatment
The skin is the largest organ in the body, so it's crucial to take good care of it. When dealing with poor skin texture, wrinkling, sun damage and other issues, it's easy to feel self-conscious. Thankfully, MicroLaserPeel can correct these issues and much more.
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Get a Cheek Lift for a More Youthful Look
The face is the most noticeable part of your body. It defines how the world around you perceives the way you look. Because of that, the facelift is a very popular cosmetic procedure. With advances in cosmetic surgery, new techniques have been developed that take the facelift to the next level. One of these is the mid-facelift, an exciting new way to improve facial appearance and skin tightness.
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Mineral Makeup
The Natural Cosmetic Solution
Makeup can bring you confidence and give you the look you want. Many varieties of makeup, however, can irritate sensitive skin and even cause permanent damage. Mineral makeup is the name for cosmetics that come from natural sources and avoid the negative side-effects of synthetic makeup.
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Mole Removal
Procedures for Cosmetic & Cancerous Growths
Dark or pigmented growths on the skin are referred to commonly as moles. The majority of moles are benign and harmless, if somewhat unsightly. Some skin moles, however, are a sign of major illness and possibly even cancer. Regardless of the severity of the mole, mole removal is a viable option.
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Muscle Loss
Building Strength with BHRT
As you get older, you lose muscle mass. Muscle loss, also called muscle atrophy, is the gradual reduction of muscle tissue. Some muscle loss occurs naturally due to age, but it may also indicate a more serious medical condition. If you're dealing with reduced strength, you need to get help.
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Myers' Cocktail Injections
Intravenous Vitamin Injections
The Myers' cocktail is a specially formulated intravenous (IV) infusion of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C. It has been safely used for decades to treat patients with a variety of chronic health conditions and is now popularly utilized by integrative healthcare practitioners to help healthy individuals maintain their overall wellness, boost energy levels, and prevent illness.
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Natural Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
The Safer, Natural Alternative to Synthetic Hormones
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a way to supplement low hormone levels which result in conditions such as depression, menopause, andropause, perimenopause, hot-flashes, low libido and many others. Bioidentical hormones offer a safer alternative to synthetic hormones by using naturally occurring hormones as the bases of their treatment.
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Neck Liposuction
Eliminate That Double Chin with Neck Contouring
Liposuction is most often associated with fat reduction around the midsection of the body. What many don't know is that lipo can also be used in other areas of the body to produce similar results. Neck liposuction is one variety of cosmetic surgery that is quickly gaining popularity among men and women all over the world.
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Night Sweats
Eliminate Excessive Sweating to Restore Your Sleep
Night sweats, also known as nocturnal hyperhidrosis, is a condition characterized by excessive sweating during the night. They can significantly impair one's ability to obtain restful sleep, due to a constant state of discomfort and restlessness. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes and remedies to alleviate the condition and prevent future events.
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Non-Invasive Liposuction
Non-Surgical Body Sculpting
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around. Unfortunately, conventional lipo is an invasive surgical procedure. That means your pain, discomfort and downtime are maximized. Recently, non-invasive liposuction alternatives have been developed. These techniques provide the fat reduction of liposuction, but without the pain.
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Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Procedures
Love handles, excess fat and sagging skin are all reasons why many people seek out a fat-reduction procedure. In the past, these fat-reduction procedures were primarily invasive, surgical procedures such as liposuction.
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Non-Surgical Nose Job
A Non-Surgical Procedure Can Change the Shape of Your Nose
Your nose defines your face; when the appearance of the nose causes you cosmetic concern, either due to a prominent bump, crookedness or imperfect nose tip, it can be tempting to seek surgical rhinoplasty. Fortunately, a non-surgical nose job exists which uses injectable biodegradable dermal fillers to address minor nose deformities without the need for surgery.
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Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
Treat Female Sexual Dysfunction without Surgery
Unlike surgical methods that require incisions, downtime and can cause potential side effects or complications, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures can tighten and lift the vagina, relieve incontinence and restore sexual function to women through non-invasive techniques. These include laser treatments, radio frequency heat, filler injections, and PRP therapy.
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Dietary Supplements, Vitamins, Nutrition & More
Nutraceuticals is a blanket term for the combination of nutrients, vitamins, dietary supplements, healthy foods and sometimes herbal products that contribute to overall wellness. Nutraceutical products are designed for a variety of uses and functions.
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Nutrition and Hormone Balance
Restore Hormonal Balance with a Healthy Diet
Hormones are the chemical messengers that regulate body function - when imbalanced, your hormones often cause unrest in your body leading to a variety of health complications. By adhering to a healthy, well-balanced diet, you can not only maintain proper hormone levels, but you can also reverse a current hormone imbalance affecting your overall health.
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Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements
Essential Fatty Acids to Support Overall Health
Omega-3 fish oil supplements are generally sourced from areas where freshwater fish reside. Omega-3 fish oil supports cardiovascular health, and helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure range and proper cholesterol levels. It can also benefit other areas of health, including supporting the immune system and providing better circulation for enhanced cognitive health.
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Understand the Health Risks of Excess Weight
Carrying too much body fat can increase your risk for a variety of health complications. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many other conditions can be directly linked to being overweight.
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PDO Thread Lift
The Benefits of This Non-Surgical Procedure Can Last for Years
Originating in South Korea, the PDO Thread Lift is a minimally-invasive treatment which uses threads made of Polydioxanone (PDO) to lift and tighten loose and sagging skin on various parts of the face. The treatment can encourage collagen production, remove or reduce wrinkles, improve the skin's texture, and create younger-looking skin.
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Pellet Therapy
Bioidentical Hormones, Delivered Consistently and Easily
Bioidentical hormone therapy, also known as BHRT, is quickly becoming a very popular treatment for a variety of hormonal imbalances. BHRT is itself a specialized form of hormone replacement therapy that uses only biologically identical hormones, it has many different delivery methods.
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Hormonal Imbalance and Early Menopause
As women hit middle age, they become infertile and no longer menstruate. This is known as menopause. Perimenopause refers to the time before menopause begins - it literally translates to "around menopause." Due to fluctuating hormones, perimenopause causes significant symptoms that can affect quality of life. Today, there are more treatments than ever to mitigate the side effects and symptoms of perimenopause.
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Permanent Makeup
Permanent Eyeliner, Permanent Lip Liner & Cosmetic Tattoos
Makeup is very important to many women worldwide. It contributes to self-perception, confidence and an all-around feeling of beauty. But makeup can take significant time to apply and wears off easy. This is why permanent makeup was developed. Permanent makeup, also known as permanent cosmetics, allows for an "always made-up" look without the hassle.
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Healthy, Vibrant Skin
Your face is a big part of who you are. It provides your "first impression" to those you meet and conveys your emotions. Sagging, wrinkled or damaged skin can hurt your confidence and make your life difficult. Photofacials, which use high-powered light to rejuvenate your facial skin, can provide relief for those issues and many more.
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Facial Rejuvenation
Restore Your Look, Naturally
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. Platelets contain growth factors; when applied to the skin, they can stimulate the growth of collagen. Collagen plumps the skin, giving it a youthful and supple appearance. PRP for facial rejuvenation has been used since 2006. It can be used with wrinkles and areas around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, neck, and jawline.
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Hair Restoration
Feel Confident Again with PRP
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. PRP is rich in growth factors, so when PRP is applied to the scalp it can contribute to hair growth.
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Scar Reduction
Stem Cell Therapy for Surgical Scars & Acne Scars
Platelet rich plasma, also known as PRP, has many medical uses. Platelet rich plasma is a type of natural stem cells - those that are drawn from your own blood and used for healing purposes. Because of that process, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy for scar reduction is a very viable option.
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Post-Hysterectomy Menopause
Post-Surgical and Early Menopause
The cessation of the female monthly cycle, or menopause, typically occurs in women entering their late 40s or early 50s. Surgical menopause, which occurs after the removal of the ovaries, can occur in women of any age.
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ProFractional Therapy
Newer, Fresher Skin
The ProFractional laser therapy by Sciton uses a specifically targeted laser to reach deep below the skin's surface to trigger the skin's collagen production to reveal newer, fresher skin over time without disturbing nearby skin. Leaving nearby skin undisturbed promotes a faster healing process.
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Progesterone Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women's Health and this Vital Hormone
Hormone imbalance can cause a number of serious health issues. In particular, progesterone, which regulates many of your body's functions, can cause debilitating symptoms when levels are too low or too high. This is especially crucial for women, as progesterone plays a large part in controlling pregnancy and menopause.
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Progesterone Level Testing
Progesterone Testing Is the First Step toward Treating Hormonal Imbalances
The female sex hormone progesterone is produced mainly in the ovaries following ovation each month. Imbalances can cause unwanted symptoms like infertility, mood changes, and irregular periods. Getting a progesterone level test is the first step toward diagnosing and relieving symptoms of unbalanced hormone levels.
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Bring Volume Back to Your Skin
When you're young, your skin is full of naturally occurring solutions that give it volume. Collagen, hyaluronic acid (HA) and elastin are what make your skin have a youthful, vibrant appearance. As you age, these substances naturally decline, which leads to sagging and wrinkly skin. Radiesse, a safe, effective dermal filler, can provide instant volume to your facial skin and boost your confidence with a healthier, youthful look.
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Eliminate Wrinkles & Lines
Some may show it better than others, but we all age. This process takes a toll on the skin, leading to unsightly laugh lines, wrinkles and crow's feet. Do you know someone who seems to have skin that's resistant to these problems? Their "little secret" may be the Restylane family of injectable gels.
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Restylane Defyne Injections
Restylane Defyne Injections Are Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive
As you age, your skin changes, and natural wrinkles, lines and folds can become more prominent. Restylane Defyne is an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler gel that is used to treat deep skin folds and wrinkles on the face. These injections can smooth out your skin and make you look younger.
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Restylane Lyft Dermal Filler
Restore Volume to Your Cheeks
Formerly known as Perlane, Restylane® Lyft is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment for moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles, and for the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies such as volume loss in the cheeks. Restylane® Lyft can dramatically alter your appearance to restore a youthful look!
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Restylane Refyne Injections
Refyne Injections Can Be Administered to Suit Your Desired Needs.
Restylane Refyne is a dermal filler gel created from hyaluronic acid and lidocaine that can be injected under the facial skin to remove or reduce wrinkles and lines, restoring your face to a more natural, softer and smoother appearance. The procedure takes less than an hour, and results can last up to 12 months.
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Nose Reconstruction for Better Breathing & Proportion
Rhinoplasty, colloquially referred to as a nose-job or nose reconstruction, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to alter the size, shape or function of the nose. Rhinoplasty has been performed for many years and is generally a safe, effective procedure.
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Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Rosacea
There are many conditions that affect the skin. One of the most common of these conditions is rosacea, which affects many people worldwide. Rosacea is a very visible skin condition, and as such can be very damaging to your self-confidence.
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Sclerotherapy Spider Vein Treatment
Eliminate Unsightly Veins
Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical procedure for treating varicose or spider veins. The process is simple and effective. Your doctor will inject a special solution in to the vein you want to remove. The substance then goes to work irritating the lining of the targeted blood vessel, making it collapse and turn into scar tissue which will fade over time.
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Try Slimming Down With Sculpsure Laser Body Contouring
An advanced laser weight loss technology, Sculpsure kills fat cells with heated light so they can be eliminated naturally through the body’s lymphatic system. Sculpsure requires no anesthesia or downtime. After Sculpsure treatment patients return to their daily activities right away.
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Sebaceous Hyperplasia
The Enlargement of Your Sebaceous Glands
Sebaceous hyperplasia is a benign medical condition which causes the increased production of oil (sebaceous) glands, leading to small bumps to form on the face, typically in clusters. Treatment options include various facial creams and cosmetic procedures which target the underlying cause of your enlarged sebaceous glands.
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Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment
When Dandruff is a Symptom of an Underlying Skin Condition
Considered a chronic form of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis affects the areas of the body that are prone to oil-production (such as the face, the upper chest and the back), causing scaly patches and reddened skin. The condition is perhaps better known to affect the scalp, oftentimes resulting in stubborn dandruff.
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Skin Lesion Removal
Smooth, Attractive Skin
Most skin blemishes are harmless, but they can definitely be unsightly. Otherwise known as lesions, these imperfections could take the form of growths, moles, brown spots, or vein imperfections beneath the skin. The techniques for removing these lesions can be almost as numerous. Your doctor will likely advise you on the best option for lesion removal based on the size and location of the growth you would like to eliminate.
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Skin Tag Removal
Remove Skin Tags & Skin Tabs with Cosmetic Surgery
Skin tags, also called skin tabs, are small pockets or flaps of excess skin that hang from the body. Unlike moles, which may be cancerous, skin tags are entirely harmless. They are, however, unsightly and can be painful if touched or snagged. Skin tag removal is a viable option to remove these uncomfortable skin flaps and restore your appearance.
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SkinTyte Infrared Light Treatment by Sciton
The Path to Youthful Skin
Looking younger doesn't have to be painful. A new you can come easily with Sciton SkinTyte infrared light treatments. A far cry from liposuction, SkinTyte is a non-invasive procedure that fights back against aging and provides a youthful look.
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Easy, Effective Fat Reduction
When there's two possible treatment options, and one is safer, less-invasive and more effective, that will be the treatment that patients choose. That's why SmartLipo is the best solution for fat reduction and body sculpting: It takes the liposuction process and improves on it in nearly every way.
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Stress Incontinence
End Involuntary Leakage Caused By Stress
Stress incontinence occurs when urine leaks because there is sudden extra pressure within the abdomen on the bladder. This potentially embarrassing condition differs from general incontinence because it happens when the body is under immediate physical stress. This added stress is usually caused by things like coughing, laughing, sneezing or exercising.
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Stress Management
Keep Your Tension Low
While stress itself is not a medical condition, it can have a very real effect on our health. Excessive anxiety can lead to a range of ailments including heart disease, high blood pressure, and weakened immune system. It can affect sleep and eating habits, leading to weight gain or a general "burnt-out" feeling.
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Sun Damaged Skin
Prevention & Treatment for Sun Overexposure
The sun is a big part of our lives. Whether or not you live in a warm climate, chances are that you spend a large portion of your time exposed to the sun's UV rays. While some amount of sun exposure is healthy, too much can lead to sun damaged skin.
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Synthetic vs Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Harnessing the Power of Mother Nature with Bioidentical Hormones
The main differences between synthetic or synthesized and bioidentical hormones are accuracy and side effects. Bioidentical hormones are said to replicate the molecular structure of naturally-produced hormones identically, resulting in a hormone which the body can more readily use without harmful long-term side effects.
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Tattoo Removal
Laser Tattoo Removal for Tattoos both Large & Small
Tattoos are a growing part of popular culture and becoming increasingly prevalent with every year. Regardless, many people experience a deep feeling of regret after receiving a tattoo. Thankfully, tattoo removal is an extremely viable treatment.
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Testosterone Level Testing
Hormone Testing Can Diagnose Conditions Caused by Testosterone Imbalances
Testosterone is a sex hormone that regulates puberty, fertility, and sex drive (libido). Unbalanced levels of testosterone can cause low libido and irregular periods, emotional instability, and many other symptoms. Testosterone levels can be measured to determine whether treatment is necessary.
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Beat Low-T & Andropause
As men age, they notice a change in their physical and mental states. This change stems from the body's lowered testosterone production. Decreased libido, depression and many more side-effects can be caused by low testosterone. The symptoms of low testosterone are sometimes referred to as andropause. Andropause can seem like a dead end, a condition with no solution. Due to today's advanced medical technology, that isn't the case. Testosterone replacement therapy can provide relief.
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ThermiSmooth Skin Tightening
Improve the Appearance of Aged Skin with Radiofrequency Energy
ThermiSmooth is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance of aged skin by naturally increasing collagen production using radiofrequency energy. ThermiSmooth is suited for patients with mild amounts of loose or sagging skin and works best on the forehead, eyelids, and neck, and in areas under the eyes and around the mouth.
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ThermiTight for Skin Tightening
ThermiTight is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that tightens skin.
ThermiTight is an FDA-approved, non-surgical procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat tissue underneath the skin to promote the body's natural healing process. Anyone struggling with loose, sagging skin or unwanted pockets of fat that simply won't respond to diet and exercise is a candidate for this procedure.
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ThermiVa Vaginal Rejuvenation
Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
ThermiVa is a breakthrough procedure in non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation that uses heat therapy in the form of radiofrequency (RF) energy to promote the shrinkage and tightening of vaginal tissues. ThermiVa is the first non-surgical and thermal-controlled procedure to relieve symptoms associated with female gynecological conditions.
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Thigh Lift
Thigh Lifts for Improved Skin Tightness and Proportion
The thigh lift is a type of plastic surgery procedure. The thigh lift is similar to other "lift" cosmetic surgery treatments, such as the face lift or arm lift, in that it is designed to tighten skin and reduce a small amount of fat from a certain area of the body.
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Thread Lift
Lift & Tighten Facial Skin without Invasive Surgery
A thread lift is a minimally-invasive procedure, which many have coined as the "lunchtime lift," to provide natural, lasting results without the downtime or scarring that typically occurs with traditional facelift surgeries. The procedure utilizes fine polydioxanone (PDO) threads which attach to fat beneath your skin, providing a natural-looking lift.
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Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy
Understand these Crucial Hormones
Your endocrine system generates a multitude of hormones that serve crucial functions in your body. One of the most important is the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Created in the pituitary gland, TSH is a precursor hormone. This means TSH is essential for the thyroid gland to release its hormones thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). It is also essential that the body has enough free T3 and free T4 available.
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Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Imbalance
Understand this Crucial Hormone
Your endocrine system generates a multitude of hormones that serve crucial functions in your body. One of the most important is the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Created in the pituitary gland, TSH is a precursor hormone. This means TSH is essential for the thyroid gland to release its hormones thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
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Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty to Tighten & Tuck Your Stomach
The tummy tuck is designed to reduce fat and tighten skin around the abdominal area. Many people are unsatisfied with their appearance in this area, which can become stretched and saggy for a number of reasons. The tummy tuck itself is typically performed as an outpatient procedure.
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Vaginal Rejuvenation
Gynecological Plastic Surgery Procedures
Vaginal rejuvenation - also called a vaginoplasty or laser vaginoplasty - is a combination of surgeries used to improve the appearance of a woman's outer genitals (the vulva) at the opening to the vagina and tightening of the muscles of the vagina themselves. Vaginal rejuvenation is a type of gynecological plastic surgery.
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Varicose Veins
Causes, Symptoms & Treatment of Unsightly Veins
Veins have in important function in your body: they carry blood throughout your system. When veins become contorted or stop carrying blood properly, this is the condition known as varicose veins. Varicose veins aren't just unsightly; they may cause pain and health complications as well.
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Venous Insufficiency Treatment
The Result of Your Poor Vein Wall and Valve Function
Venous insufficiency refers to improper vein walls and/or valve function which restricts blood flow from the heart to the legs. In venous insufficiency, restricted blood flow causes "pooling" of blood in the veins, a process called stasis, which may cause varicose veins or venous ulcers.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Restore Your Body's Natural Levels
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to depression, paranoia and delusions, memory loss, incontinence, loss of taste and smell and more. The body needs B12 to make red blood cells, nerves, DNA and carry out other functions. Vitamin B12 is not produced by the body, it only consumed in animal products.
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Vitamin B12 Injections
Keep the Body's Nerves & Blood Cells Healthy
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient that keeps the body's nerves and blood cells healthy. B12 shots are prescribed when patients exhibit symptoms of fatigue, depression and poor memory. These injections are delivered directly to the bloodstream and typically contain 500 times more vitamin B12 than the recommended daily dose.
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Vitamin C Deficiency Treatment
Optimize Ascorbic Acid Levels to Optimize Immune Function
Your body relies on an essential nutrient, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), to grow and repair tissues and produce collagen. When you become deficient in vitamin C, a number of health problems may follow. Known colloquially as scurvy, severe vitamin C deficiency derives from a dearth of vitamin C in the diet.
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Vitamin C Supplements
Restore Immune Function with Vitamin C Supplements
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient that helps in the growth and repair of tissues in your body and in making collagen. When deficient, a number of health complications ensue. Vitamin C supplements offer you a way to restore balance to the level of ascorbic acid in your body when dietary intervention does not suffice.
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Vitamin D Deficiency
Avoiding Rickets through Treatment
Vitamin D helps boost bone and muscle growth - vitamin D deficiency has been linked to health conditions including prostate cancer and a number of other illnesses. If you are vitamin D deficient, your physician may recommend a combination of diet changes and supplements to bring levels back to normal.
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What Are Bioidentical Hormones
Discover the Difference Bioidentical Hormones Can Make
Traditional hormone therapy may lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Arguments have been made for the increased safety and effectiveness of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). This is because bioidenticals are designed to imitate the structure of your body's hormones.
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Wrinkles Treatment
Defeat Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Other Signs of Aging
Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but they can damage confidence and self-esteem nonetheless. Skin naturally sags, stretches and changes with age. But wrinkles, especially in people who are not elderly, can be unsightly, and many people choose to seek wrinkle treatment.
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XEOMIN Injections
Treat Moderate-To-Severe Frown Lines & Forehead Wrinkles
Xeomin is a prescription injection that help reverse moderate to severe frown lines to restore a more youthful look. This medication temporarily alters the nerve impulses of targeted muscles, and reduces or eliminates contraction-induced wrinkles. Xeomin can provide a very natural appearing and dramatic improvement in your appearance.
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ZO Skin Health
The Latest & Greatest Skin Products from Dr. Zein Obagi
ZO Skin Health is a line of medical-grade, home-use skincare products designed by Dr. Zein Obagi. These products have been used to treat or prevent many skin conditions and problems including age spots, dull skin, dry skin and inflammation. ZO Skin Health products provide a complete anti-aging skin care regimen.
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